5 Things You Should Know About Your Website Rankings After a Google Algorithm Update

Google updates their algorithm quite frequently, and it can be hard to keep track of what changes are being made and how a Google update will impact your website. In this blog post, we will discuss the expectations you should have for your rankings after a Google algorithm update. We will go over the different types of updates that are made, and how each one typically affects websites. If you are worried about how a recent Google update may have impacted your website, don’t worry! We will help you figure out where you stand and what you can do to improve your ranking.

A man's hand writing out complex math calculations. What to do if your Google rankings fluctuate after a major algorithm update

Different Types of Google Algorithm Search Engine Updates

There are different types of Google algorithm updates that can happen. The three main types are: major algorithm update, minor, and patches. A major algorithm update is a significant change to the way Google ranks websites. These are usually announced by Google and cause a lot of commotion in the SEO world. A minor update is a less noticeable change to the ranking algorithm. These happen more often than major updates and usually don’t cause too much of a stir. Patch updates are the smallest type of update and usually fix bugs or make very small changes to the ranking algorithm.

What Is a Broad Core Algorithm Update?

These are the most common type of update, and they usually happen a few times per year. A broad core algorithm update is an update that affects multiple ranking factors at once. These updates are usually rolled out a few times per year and are designed to improve the overall quality of search results.

Because these updates affect so many different ranking factors, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what has changed. However, Google has said that the goal of these updates is to “reward great content.”

Targeted Updates

Targeted updates are less common than broad core updates, but they can still have a big impact on your website. With a targeted Google update, Google is making a specific change to the algorithm that will impact how certain types of websites are ranked. For example, a recent targeted update in Google’s algorithm was designed to demote websites that are not mobile-friendly. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, you may see a significant drop in ranking after this type of update.

Penguin Updates

Penguin updates are specifically designed to target websites that are using black hat SEO techniques. If your website has been hit by a Penguin update, it means that Google has found evidence of you using techniques like keyword stuffing or link buying. These types of activities will result in a severe drop in ranking, and it can be very difficult to recover from a Penguin update.

Do unconfirmed Google algorithm updates really matter?

Whenever you lose traffic to your website you might want to look at recent updates to Google’s algorithm. Google updates its algorithm continuously but these often happen silently without any confirmation from its search engine. Google updated the search engines algorithms by around 4,500 times over the last year, and the company says the algorithms will be updated 450 times by 2020.

5 Things That Can Happen After a Major Google Algorithm Update

Major Google algorithm updates can cause big changes in your website rankings. Here are some things you can expect to happen to your website’s ranking after a Google algorithm Update:

  1. Your website may see a decrease or increase in traffic
  2. Your website’s pages may rank higher or lower than they did before the update
  3. You may see more or less organic search traffic
  4. Your website may see an increase or decrease in conversion rate
  5. Your website’s bounce rate may change

These are just a few of the potential changes that can happen to your website after a Google algorithm update. It’s important to keep an eye on your website’s performance and be prepared for any changes that may occur.

Vector image of a robot hand drawing a line graph rising and falling. After a Major Google Algorithm update, your website rankings may drop immeidately and begin climbing back up after a few weeks.

How Does a Google Update Typically Affect Websites?

Different Google algorithm updates can have different effects on websites. Some may not notice any change at all while others may see a significant drop in traffic. It really depends on the type of update and how your website is affected.

Website Traffic Changes

You may see an immediate decrease in traffic from Google. This is because it takes time for Google to re-crawl and re-index all of the pages on your site.

If you see an increase in traffic from Google over the next few days or weeks it could be because your website is now appearing in a higher position in the search results for certain keywords.

Website Ranking Changes

Your website may drop in the Google rankings for certain keywords overnight. This is because Google has re-indexed all of the pages on your site and your page rank for those keywords has changed.

Your website may come back up in the rankings for certain keywords after a few days or weeks. This is because Google has had time to fully process the algorithm update and your page rank has been updated accordingly.

Keep an Eye on Your Website’s Performance

It’s important to keep an eye on your website’s performance after a Google algorithm update. This way you can catch any changes early and take action if necessary. Check your website’s traffic and rankings regularly to make sure everything is running smoothly and adjust your SEO strategy as needed.

How To Improve Rankings After An Algorithm Update

If you’ve recently been hit by a Google algorithm update, there’s no need to panic. Here are a few things you can do to improve your rankings and get back on track.

Adding Keyword-Rich Content

First, take a look at your website and see if it is up to date with quality content and if there are any changes you can make to improve your SEO strategy. Google favors websites that are regularly updated with fresh, quality content. This may include adding more keyword-rich content, optimizing your titles and meta tags, or improving your site’s overall structure.

Multiple Marketing Streams

Next, make sure you’re promoting your website through social media and other online channels. The more exposure your site gets, the better chance you have of ranking high in search results.

Analyze Competitors

Finally, keep an eye on your competitor’s websites and see what they’re doing right that you might be missing. If they’re ranking higher than you, chances are they’re doing something right. Try to emulate their success and you should see your own rankings improve in no time. If you can find areas where you have an advantage over them, you can focus on those areas to try and improve your ranking.

Utilize Latest SEO Techniques

Finally, make sure you are using all of the latest SEO techniques. This includes things like using keyword-rich titles and descriptions, as well as back-linking to high-quality websites. If you are not sure what SEO techniques to use, you can consult with an expert or look for resources online.

By following these simple tips, you can quickly get your website back on track after a Google algorithm change. Just remember to be patient, as it can take some time for Google to fully process the changes you have made. With consistent optimization, you’ll be back to the top of the search results in no time.

Has your website had to recover from a Google algorithm update?